Non si tratta di un bel risultato sportivo ma della documentazione che l’invio dell’abbigliamento VIRTUS alle missioni ad Haiti e in Lituania è stato apprezzato.
Come virtussini siamo evidentemente felici di aver fatto felice altre persone meno fortunate di noi.

I am Toma from Lithuania and I work at a social care home for menatlly and physically disabled people. In July we had quests from Focolare movement and Roberto Rossi visited us as well. He brought your present to us – a luggage full of sportswear. We would like to say a big „Thank you“, so I‘ve prepared something for you and I think you could post it on your facebook wall or in your internet page J i will do that as well, only in Lithuanian J
By the way, our people are very happy with the gifts J and we are happy for them
Once again – thank you very much and have a good day.
Direktoriaus pavaduotoja socialiniams reikalams
Toma Kiminien?

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